



en:units:セントマリー弓兵 [2024/02/11 23:35] – 作成 fructen:units:セントマリー弓兵 [2024/02/11 23:58] (現在) – [Schutzdieners] fruct
行 2: 行 2:
 ====== Schutzdieners ====== ====== Schutzdieners ======
-タイプ    弓矢  ^ ★         | 3     | +Type        Archers  ^ ★       | 3     | 
-兵力      | 24    射程      | 80    | +Strength    | 24       Range   | 80    | 
-統率      | 165   弾薬量    | 900   | +Leadership  | 165      Ammo    | 900   | 
-移動速度  | 5.3   採集能力  | 3.36  |+Speed       | 5.3      Labour  | 3.36  |
-The Schutzdieners are a ★3 archery unit, notable for their ability to heal allies from a distance. Their skill, "Heal Arrow," fires an arrow at a designated area, granting a chance to apply a continuous healing effect to surrounding allies. This skill is particularly effective for densely packed allies, enhancing their durability during combat.+The Schutzdieners are a ★3 archery unit, notable for their ability to heal allies from a distance. Their skill, "Blessed Arrows," fires an arrow at a designated area, granting a chance to apply a continuous healing effect to surrounding allies. This skill is particularly effective for densely packed allies, enhancing their durability during combat.
 Their defense value is high compared to other units of the same rank, but since they rarely advance to the front lines, this advantage is limited. Additionally, they have a low ammunition count and modest damage output, but possess the capability to fend off enemy long-range units. Their defense value is high compared to other units of the same rank, but since they rarely advance to the front lines, this advantage is limited. Additionally, they have a low ammunition count and modest damage output, but possess the capability to fend off enemy long-range units.
行 21: 行 21:
 There's a 25% chance to shoot an arrow that grants a continuous healing effect to allies within 8 meters of the landing spot. There's a 25% chance to shoot an arrow that grants a continuous healing effect to allies within 8 meters of the landing spot.
-[[:軍魂]]「<color blue>セントマリー弓兵・守手</color>を登録している場合回復された友軍の全タイプの防御値が80アップする。+When the [[:軍魂|doctrine]] "「セントマリー弓兵・守手」" is registered, the defense value of all types for healed allies increases by 80.
 ===== 開放方法 ===== ===== 開放方法 =====
 シーズンチャレンジ「レリギオン」 シーズンチャレンジ「レリギオン」
 ===== 調整 ===== ===== 調整 =====
-^ 日付                                ^ 調整内容                                                                                                 +^ 日付                                ^ 調整内容                                                                                                                                                       
-| [[:アップデート230921|2023-09-21]] 【セントマリー弓兵】が敵に近い時にヒールアローを発射できない不具合を修正。\\ 基礎刺突破甲値 1132 → 1360  | +| [[:アップデート230921|2023-09-21]] Fixed a bug where the Schutzdieners couldn't fire the Heal Arrow when close to enemies.\\ Basic Piercing Armor Penetration value increased from 1132 to 1360 | 
-| [[:アップデート230914|2023-09-14]]  | 実装                                                                                                     |+| [[:アップデート230914|2023-09-14]]  | 実装                                                                                                                                                           |
 ===== 公式トレーラー ===== ===== 公式トレーラー =====
  • en/units/セントマリー弓兵.1707662124.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/02/11 23:35
  • by fruct