メンテナンス日時 | 2月1日13:30~16:30(UTC+9) |
前回のアップデート | 2023-01-25 |
Year of the Dragon Login Rewards
Embrace the auspicious energy of the jade rabbit in the old year and witness the golden dragon's glory for the future. Log in during the event to receive [Secret Treatise] x50.
Runs from Feb. 1 (after maintenance) through Feb. 22 (until maintenance).
Pleney of Rewards to Assist You in Campaign
To express our gratitude, all Warlords will enjoy three benfits during the event.
- Doctrines Removal: The removal process will not consume any items.
- Unit Kits: Siege and Field Battles, as well as Expeditions, will not consume kits during this time. However, attacking fiefs, pursuits, and rebels will still consume kits as usual.
- Unit XP Boost: The unit XP gained from Siege and Field Battles, as well as Expeditions, will be doubled. Note that the unit XP gained from attacking fiefs, pursuits, and rebels will remain unchanged.
Runs from Feb. 10th 00:00 (UTC+8) until Feb. 17th 23:59 (UTC+8)
[Guts & Glory] (With [Dragon's Scale & Jade]) Available for a Limited-time
- Part of the [Guts & Glory] rewards can be unlocked for free. You can also purchase the [Dragon's Scale & Jade] Hero Attire to rank up in [Guts & Glory] and unlock all premium rewards!
- You may claim all premium rewards of ranks you've earned by purchasing [Guts & Glory] at any time.
- After [Guts & Glory] ends, rewards can be claimed until the next version update. (You may still purchase [Guts & Glory] during this time to get all premium rewards.) Rewards still unclaimed at the time of the next version update will be lost, so claim them in time!
[Guts & Glory Rank]:
- Complete event quests to earn experience and rank up for tons of rewards.
- The event contains daily, sign-in, badge, and matchmaking quests. Daily quests refresh at 00:00. You can earn 1,100 points from sign-in and daily quests. Badge and matchmaking quests can be completed at any time, and each of these may be completed up to 30 times. You can earn 600 points from these.
- You will no longer be able to obtain experience from these event quests after reaching maximum rank (1,500 experience). Experience can only be gained from quests and cannot be bought.
Partial Reward Overview:
- Epic Hero Equipment Schematic Crate - Treatises - Golden Treasure Orders - Unit Mastery Materials - Random Kit for T4 Doctrines
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 15 8:00
Rewards can be claimed until Feb 22 (until maintenance); you may still purchase [Guts & Glory] during this time.
[Echoes of Dragon's Roar] Attire Treasure Is On
The legendary Dual Blades skin [Thunder Strike] now available!
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 29 (until maintenance).
You can acquire it under [Attire Treasure (G)], and the chances are as follows:
- The Dual Blades Attire [Thunder Strike] - 0.5%
- Sealed Weapon Skin (Previous Seasons) - 14%
- Uncommon or Rare Attire - 85.5%
New Gameplay [Secret of Sands] Comes
- このモードでは、自分の兵団を1隊戦闘に持ち込むことができ、戦場では兵団を召集することもできます。召集では兵団兵法を選択することで兵団を獲得できます。獲得した召集兵団は自動で味方陣地の3×3マスエリアに配置され、戦闘開始とともに自動で戦いに参加してくれます。
- 敵兵は敵陣地より出現し、ステージ数に応じて強くなります。
- このモードにおいて、戦闘は複数のターンに分かれております。毎ターン開始時、全兵団および武将の状態がリセットされます(完全回復)。また、毎ターン開始前、プレイヤーは複数の兵法を選択することができます。兵法は自動で戦闘する支給兵団を提供したり、支給兵団を強化する効果などがあります。
- プレイヤーは開始時に自分の兵団(操作可能)を1隊選び、戦闘に持ち込むことができます。
- 各ターン中、敵ユニットを全て倒すとターンをクリアできます。
- 全ターンの戦闘をクリアすると、最終的な勝利を獲得します。
- ターン数は難易度に応じて異なります。
- 武将が戦死する。
- ターン終了時に敵ユニットが生き残っている。
- 兵法は主に2種類に分かれています:兵団、兵団強化
- 兵団タイプの兵法を選ぶと、該当兵団がプレイヤーの陣地に出現し、残りの戦闘に参戦してくれます(新しいターンが始まると、兵団の状態はリセットされます)。
- 兵団強化タイプの兵法を選ぶと、条件に合う兵団が特殊な強化を得ます。得た強化効果は、残った全てのターンで有効になります。
Partial Reward Overview: * Epic Hero Equipment Schematic Crate * Treatises * Divine Crow (Epic) * Unit Mastery Materials * Pure Spirits
Available all day from Feb 1 (after maintenance) until Feb 22 (until maintenance).
Conqueror's Journey Battlefield is Available, Doctrine Pool Rotation
Embark on the Conqueror's Journey Battlefield where Warlords can utilize [Secret Treatise] to obtain the esteemed War Scholar. Additionally, a new Doctrine has been introduced to the Conqueror's Journey Battlefield: Epic Javelin Doctrine IV. Explore the battlefield and enhance your strategies!
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 22 (until maintenance).
Gift of Time is Here to Assist Your new Season Journey.
The [Gift of Time] event can be accessed from the bottom left of the [C-Store]menu. The event consists of a total of 7 stages. Upon purchasing pack 1, pack 2 will unlock, and the pattern continues. Each pack can be purchased only once.
Event Pack Overview:
Pack Number | Contents | Price |
Pack 1 | Treatise x1, Bronze Coins x10,000 | Free |
Pack 2 | Golden Treasure Order x2, Reforged Stones x50 | 300 Sovereigns |
Pack 3 | Golden Treasure Order x3, Rare Honor Medal x5 | 980 Sovereigns |
Pack 4 (Free) | Pure Spirit x1, Epic Divine Crow x3 (bound) | Free |
Pack 5 | Golden Treasure Order x10, Unit Medal x200 | 1680 Sovereigns |
Pack 6 | Golden Treasure Order x10, Doctrine Water x15 | 2580 Sovereigns |
Pack 7 | Heroic Epic x10, Epic Schematic Crate x1 | Free |
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 22 (until maintenance).
New Year Exclusive Warfare Challenge Pack & [Eternal] Seasonal Pack Now Accessible
The [Helheim] and [Colosseum] Challenge Packs will be taken off the shelves under Store - Warfare Packs, and the [Dynasty] and [Eternal] packs will become available.
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 22 (until maintenance).
Note: The [Eternal] season's exclusive items are now accessible, and the [Epic/Rare Seasonal Doctrine Selection Box] now contains doctrines exclusively from the [Eternal] season.
Total Spendings Return & Pavilion of Glory Available For a Limited Time!
Total Spent | Rewards |
500 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x1, [Thunder Coins] x50 |
1,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x1, [Thunder Coins] x50 |
2,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x2, [Thunder Coins] x100 |
3,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x2, [Thunder Coins] x100 |
5,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x3, [Thunder Coins] x200 |
10,000 Sovereigns | [Thunder Strike] Title, [Thunder Coins] x500 |
20,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x5, [Thunder Coins] x1,000 |
30,000 Sovereigns | Golden Treasure Order x8, [Thunder Coins] x1,000 |
50,000 Sovereigns | Exclusive Hero Headwear [Azure Dragon’s Crown], [Thunder Coins] x2,000 |
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 22 (until maintenance).
You'll be able to exchange the limited-time item [Thunder Coins] you earn from Total Spendings Return events in the Pavilion of Glory for amazing rewards. Below are some of the available rewards. You can check out the full range of rewards in-game in the [Pavilion of Glory (O)] menu.
- Treasure Essence x150
- Doctrine Water x100
- New Year Headwear Selection Box
- Common Pay Off Voucher
- Golden Treasure Orders
Runs from Feb 1 (after maintenance) through Feb 29 (until maintenance).
- Fixes a random issue preventing Warlords from entering battles while pursuing World Convoys.
- Fixed the issue of unit models floating in the air after death.
- Optimized the battle loading logic to enhance loading speed.