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Lancelot Knights

Type Swordsmen 5
Strength 24 Range -
Leadership 295 Ammo -
Speed 5.5~6.3 Labour 3.36

The Lancelot Knights, a 5-star small shield unit added in the “King Arthur” season, are known for their quick movement and burst damage potential through their skills. Their standout feature is the first skill, “Rapid Advance,” which performs consecutive stabbing attacks in the direction of the target and grants the unit temporary invulnerability for 1 second from the onset of the attack. This allows them to counter assault skills and high-damage skill attacks, making their one-on-one combat capabilities exceptionally high. However, they have vulnerabilities such as a lack of fire-resistant armor, making them susceptible to burning, and no control immunity effects, leaving them weak against loyalty longspear units' pushing attacks (Whisk).

Base Cooldown Time 11 seconds
Basic Duration 3 seconds



Base Cooldown Time 18 seconds
Basic Duration 10 seconds




日付 調整内容
2024-01-18 The skill description for [[Lancelot Knights]' [[Lancelot Dueling Technique] has been optimized to accurately reflect its actual effects.
The search range for enemies during the [Lancelot Knights] Formation has been optimized.
Fixed an issue where the [Lancelot‘s Divine Blessing] Doctrines effect was not working.
2024-01-08 実装

  • en/units/ランスロット騎士団.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/14 18:16
  • by fruct